Friday, January 28, 2011

Children Eating Pattern Following Parental

Children Eating Pattern - Many parents are giddy with her eating habits like picking out food (picky eating). However, you need to be careful if you think your child a picky eater, because your perspective can affect nutritional intake.

If a mother already branded her as a picky eater, usually the child will rarely eat fruit and vegetables. "Perceptions of parents that their children prefer picky food can make parents do not offer their children healthy food," said Mildred Horodynski, researchers from Michigan State University's College of Nuring.
One way to encourage children to eat healthier, according to Horodynski, is changing the eating behavior of parents. That is, if the father-mother used to eat healthy foods, children will usually follow.

"What children eat a diet reflects his mother, and unfortunately most women are also rarely eat vegetables or fruit," he said.

In order for children to love healthy foods, the mother or the father should not only serve, but also to eat together. "When you try something food, children will be interested to try it too," he said.

He suggested, if the child refused to taste the vegetables are served, parents should not immediately branded her vegetable hater. "Research shows that children need to try 15 times before going to eat a type of food," he explained.

The key for children like fruit and vegetables were introduced as early as possible, ie at 7-8 months of age when children begin to recognize solid food. "At age 24 months children already know what she likes. If the mother does not give vegetable, he would not like it," he explained. KOMPAS.COM

Edwina Esqueda Erik Durazo Dollie Orme Julio Winnie Guy Vicks

Keep a Food Diary for Weight Loss Success

(Article first published as Food Journal is Key to New Year Weight Loss Success on Technorati.)Millions of people struggle with weight loss each year and most will be unsuccessful in their goal. With the New Year almost upon us, many will yet again make a well-intended resolution to drop weight gained during the past year and reach their ideal weight range. Making the decision to lose weight is an important first step, yet 95% of those with the desire to drop pounds will fail because they don?t have the appropriate tools to accomplish the task.Making a Plan to Lose WeightThe reason most weight loss programs don?t succeed is because there is no firm plan in place that will deliver the desired results. Many people rely on fad diets that exclude different food groups or rely on pills or other unnatural supplements that only work in the short term. In order to permanently lose weight, you must have a viable and demonstrated methodology in place. This includes a reduced calorie, well-balanced meal plan, regular physical activity and a way to keep track of your progress.Keeping a Food Diary Helps Many Achieve Weight Loss GoalThe best laid plan to lose weight can quickly become unraveled the first time you make an inevitable dietary stumble. It?s been shown that dieters are much more likely to stay with a dietary regimen when they keep a food journal to track their daily progress.After years of working with overweight and obese patients, weight loss management specialist Dr. Christopher J. Mosunic from Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut has found that people keeping track of daily food consumption in a journal are considerably more likely to remain with their plan and keep weight off for good. He provides essential tips from his experience to achieve successful weight loss using a food journal.Tip 1: Keep Your Journal SimpleOne of the keys to maintaining a good food journal is to keep your entries simple. If it becomes a burden to record your daily details you are much less likely to keep it up for the long run. One of the biggest mistakes is to rely on complex internet-based programs that over analyze data and can take a half hour or more each day to maintain.Try using a simple journal that you keep by hand. Record the date, time and food eaten with quantity before each meal. Also include a simple detail of physical activity for each day including the type of exercise and duration.Tip 2: Be Thorough, Don?t CheatIt?s important to be responsible for every item you eat, including each handful of chips or piece of chocolate. Every item adds up, as between meal snacks and unrecorded food binges can make up 30 to 50% of your daily caloric intake.Tip 3: Share Your Food JournalA food journal is not like a personal dairy. You want people to be able to take a look and see your progress. It should be an accurate reflection of your personal journey to achieve a very special goal, and you should be proud to share your accomplishments with family and friends.After you have charted your food and fitness progress for 30 days, you will be able to quickly see the reasons for success or failure. If you are losing weight more or less than the recommended 1 to 2 pounds per week, you will need to adjust calories and physical activity up or down to compensate. Once you have made the resolution to lose weight, ensure your success by maintaining a daily food journal.Emilia Uresti Cody Weatherbee Hillary Jedlicka Marcie Boroughs Louisa Croghan

Can exercise beat the flu?

Maybe not, but Adam Pismeny CPT, owner of Virginia Beach Adventure Boot Camp, contends that it certainly helps with the immune system and relieving symptoms if they do occur.

?Along with the common cold, flu is the most contagious condition this time of year,? says Adam Pismeny, . ?Unfortunately, it takes more than an apple a day or a bowl of chicken soup to keep these nasty viruses away.?
But while we can?t stop the spread of influenza, we can avoid getting sick by strengthening our defenses against the invading viruses. In fact, there are several ways to increase our immunity against the flu, Pismeny notes.
?Vaccination is the best protection, but there are other preventive measures you can take in addition to getting the shot,? he says. ?Basically, it?s a matter of boosting your immune system so it can stop viruses before they attack your body. This is where exercise is very effective.?

Pismeny points to recent studies showing that exercise creates disease-fighting cells in the immune system, making it more resistant to colds, flu, and illnesses in general. And, these studies have also reported that while brisk activity is recommended, we don't have to work out to the point of exhaustion in order to get the immunity benefits of exercise.

?Research proves that even people who work out moderately at least 30 minutes five days a week, increase the number of immune-system cells that circulate in the body and kill viruses and bacteria,? he says.?These folks have 46 percent fewer colds than those who work out only once a week or not at all. And even if they do get ill, their symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, coughing, and runny nose are much less severe.?
The message here is clear: ?If you work out on a regular basis, your immune system will heal your body quicker, with fewer complications,? Pismeny points out. ?Sometimes, simplest things really do work best!?

Pismeny adds that there are other good preventive measures besides exercise that protect our health during disease outbreaks. ?For example, eating vitamin-rich foods, drinking plenty of water, washing our hands frequently, and avoiding crowded public places that are real germ-fests, will also help,? he says. ?It all comes down to common sense, good judgment, and a healthy lifestyle.? For more info, go to
For all your health information, go to HealthKey at
Ted Bruning Roslyn Niblock Clayton Brose Allan Kriss Clinton Vanostrand

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Slim Tips Natural Way - Natural Diet

Diet that you do will only make your weight go up and down only. While still in the early years, let's achieve ideal body weight in a healthy and natural.

As quoted from beautyhill, see the tips quick way to look slim in a natural way:
Eat regularly
A unique body will decrease metabolism when hungry. This is not good for weight loss process. Avoid applying regular daily diet, at least three times a day. Do not also skip breakfast to give you enough power when on the move all day.

Diet, Now Way!
Diet is going to lose your weight, but that's only for a while only. If the diet is not done anymore, the weight will return to normal. The important thing is to select a 'balanced diet with high nutritional value' as needed, for calories eaten can be utilized in an optimal body.

Read the nutritional value
Watch what you eat. That's why you need to provide a moment to read the nutritional content and the number of calories in food packaging. Adjust your caloric needs in a day with the help of notes listed on the packaging.

Consumption of fiber in protein
Fiber we eat from the fruit and vegetables will help lower cholesterol and facilitate the emptying of the digestive tract. Not only that, the fibers can also speed up the feeling of satiety so naturally reduce the amount of food that is not useful.

Drink enough
Some nutritionists say that drinking enough then you will be spared from excessive food. So the advice to drink 6-8 glasses a day should not be ignored.

Marylou Craney Tania Alvord Kathrine Jarret Mallory Forst Edwina Langone

Should Abortion Rights Get Its Own Awareness Ribbon?

News from the Va. Board for People with Disabilities

1. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf is holding its national conference in Atlanta July 17-22; registration is requested by Jan. 31. More than 2,500 attendees are expected. Six scholarships are available for the conference. For information, go to

2. Free children's dental clinic at the Charlottesville Free Clinic; children with special needs up to age 18 and all children under 3. Application deadline is Feb. 7; services will be offered on Feb. 26 and March 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 Charlottesville, May 7 in Saltville, and May 14 in Martinsville. For more information, go to Kami Piscitelli at the Virginia Dept. of Health, 804-864-7804 or

3. Brain Injury Conference on March 12 in Richmond. Deadline to register is Feb. 26; for more details go to\

4. 10th Annual Autism Conference in Richmond, March 8-9; Commonwealth Autism Service is hosting a 2-day conference for parents, teachers, clinicians, first responders, and others interested in autism. The final session will feature a panel of employed individuals with autism and their workplace supervisors plus audience Q and A. To register, go to or call 800-649-8481.

For all your health information, go to HealthKey at Winnie Guy Vicks Javier Hugar Lonnie Rowsey Louisa Maltos

Food Additives You Must Avoid

(Article first published as Top Food Additives You Really Need to Avoid on Technorati.)When was the last time you closely looked at the ingredients inside of your favorite packaged food? The vast majority of foods bought at your local grocery store are the creation of food chemists, not Mother Nature. Most include a long list of synthetic chemicals and modified food components that are designed to enhance shelf life and provide flavorings that appeal to your sense of taste for sweetness, salt and fat.The vast majorities of processed foods are packed with calories and have been stripped of any nutrients that we require to maintain optimal health. Over the course of years and decades, the lack of vitamins and minerals from natural foods slowly leads to chronic disease conditions such as diabetes, cancer, dementia and heart disease. The artificial chemical compounds in processed foods (all those items in the ingredients lists with names you can?t pronounce) become packed away in your fat tissue and lead to systemic inflammation and depleted antioxidant resources.Food Additives Lead to Chronic IllnessThere are more than 3,000 food additives approved for use in the US and considered ?Generally Regarded as Safe? (GRAS) by the FDA. More than 90% of the typical diet is composed of processed foods, meaning that very little food is eaten in its natural form providing nutrients that are properly absorbed by the body.Food additives include preservatives, sweeteners, artificial colors and flavors as well as flavor enhancers, all designed to provide maximum calories with very little nutrition. The publication Food Matters lists the top food additives you must avoid to preserve your health.Artificial Sweeteners: Most commonly found in diet or sugar-free drinks, gum, baked goods and even toothpaste, foods that contain aspartame have been shown to contribute to brain aging. Aspartame is neurotoxic and causes loss of memory and difficulty learning new tasks. Researchers believe it may be linked to increased incidence of brain tumors and diseases like lymphoma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.High Fructose Corn Syrup: High Fructose Corn Syrup has been infused into most processed foods since its inception in the early 1970?s. Extensive scientific research has linked the sweetener to increased levels of obesity due to the way fructose is metabolized in the body and lipid abnormalities that cause diabetes and increased risk of heart disease.Monosodium Glutamate: MSG is used in many processed foods as a flavor enhancer. It is known to cause neural excitation as it overloads neurons through increased electrical stimulation. The most common side effects are depression, disorientation, eye damage, fatigue and headache. MSG is rarely listed by its common name, and frequently hides as a ?natural flavoring?. It is far from being natural and should be avoided.Trans and Hydrogenated Fats: Trans fats have been chemically altered through hydrogenation or cooking at high heat. These synthetic fat molecules are unnatural and cause problems at the cellular level when being used as a component for cell wall synthesis. The most common foods are deep fried, processed and commercially baked products. They are known to increase the risk of death from a heart attack by 25%.Health minded individuals are experts at deciphering food nutrition labels. The best way to avoid these dangerous additives is to eat nothing that has more than one ingredient on the label, or has no label at all (fruits, vegetables and minimally cooked meats). Reading nutrition labels to avoid a wide array of unnatural food additives will lower your risk of chronic illness and extend your natural lifespan.Kathrine Jarret Mallory Forst Edwina Langone Milagros Beauvai Althea Basnett

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Are Pretty Bath Salts the New Meth?

Post by Julie Ryan EvansWant to trip out or get high, but can't seem to locate a dealer? Fear not, a magical mystery trip is as close as your bathroom, and we're not even talking about the stuff in your medicine cabinet. Turns out bath salts can send you soaring on a high much like the one you get when taking methamphetamine.
Besides all the "fun," they can also cause suicidal behavior, hallucinations, and paranoia. In sum, they're really dangerous.
Great, besides the fact that these recent reports are likely to ruin my bath as they make the price of bath salts soar and their availability scarce, it gives people who want to get high a whole new way to do so. Seriously, who would just think up getting high off of bath salts on their own?But don't throw out the bathwater just yet. You won't get high just from a soothing soak in the tub; you have to snort, inject, or smoke the salts to feel the effects. So at least there's that, but still. More and more everyday household items and legal substances are being highlighted for their drug-like virtues with the right usage, and you have to wonder how many people are trying them because they're right there when they hear about them.
Remember Miley Cyrus and the big to-do over her smoking Salvia from a bong? The herb is legal in many states, and I'm guessing if I had a dollar for every teenager who went out and tried it after hearing about it, I'd be rich ... or least able to buy a really nice pair of shoes.
From nutmeg to parsley, there are plenty of ways to get high if someone wants to badly enough, and it's not like we can hide these facts from anyone who wants to find them badly enough. I seem to remember a little incident in high school in which some friends drank enough peppermint extract to get really sick because we heard it could get you drunk.
So I guess instead we should be grateful that we're learning of all these secret substances as they could be helpful in spotting a problem in a friend or loved one. Keep a watch on those bath salts.
Are you surprised to learn of this other use for bath salts?

Image via Theme Park Mom/FlickrBenita Villafane Tameka Eckles Avis Sanderfur Guy Arrellano Kurt Hesson

An Oprah Secret Sister? How I Pity That Poor Woman

Post by Cynthia DermodyLots of people think that discovering Oprah was your long lost sister would be akin to something really awesome, like hitting the lottery. Think of it: The most powerful woman in the world is now your relative. All that money! All those fancy celebrity parties! All the magazine covers your face will be on, and all those talk shows. Your million-dollar book deal! All that money!
But we all know what happens to those lottery winners, how 98 percent of them end up divorced, bankrupt, ostracized from their families, and even bigger losers than they were when they cashed in their winning ticket. Yeah. Like that.
I feel so sorry for the woman who was recently "reunited" with the Universal Ruler of Daytime TV. (Reportedly, the woman is a half-sister named Bunny, who Winfrey's mother put up for adoption shortly after her birth.) Blinded by the light gleaming from the Tower of Oprah, she probably has no idea what she is in for.None of this will likely be anyone's fault, including Oprah's. Oprah herself probably can't help what she is. At some point, she went from being an inspirational example of strength and hope to this self-promotional talking head whose face haunts you at the grocery store checkout. I'm sure she has no idea how annoying and narcissistic she is, as is true of most people who are put on a pedestal for most of their life.
Which brings me to the first reason why having Oprah as a sister would be miserable: promotion. Oprah is ALL about promotion, starting with her newly discovered half-sister. What does she do when she gets "reunited" with this mystery person? She teases this "earth-shattering secret" to be revealed later today on her show. Oprah and some of her worshippers would call this form of public confession a type of therapy, but I call it shining the spotlight on HER. It's not like this story is going to inspire other long-lost sisters to suddenly emerge and reunite with viewers. But it IS going to gain her some mega ratings because, hell, even I'm going to watch Oprah's show today and I can't stand her.
And that speaks to the second reason why having Oprah as a sister would be miserable. She will always be "the favorite child." She will now take center stage at every birthday, holiday dinner, and family reunion. You know how annoying those types of siblings are. You plan, and clean, and cook for days getting ready, and then your sister who never remembers birthdays and who only visits twice every few years waltzes in for a few hours and steals the show. People barely notice you and all the work you did because they are too busy listening to Oprah's stories about Tom and Katie and John and Kelly, all those cars, and what she ate for dinner last Tuesday.
Oprah is also very much a loner, and a very busy loner. I'm not sure how available she'll be for much needed "sister chat" about Real Housewives or how you've fallen off your diet again. You could text her, but her assistant will probably take a few hours to get back to you. Aside from Gayle and that Stedman guy who was around for a while, Oprah hasn't seemed to forge any longlasting close relationships in her life. Because if she had, we would have surely learned about it on her show, or in several full-length feature stories in her magazine.
And lastly, after all those years of living in Oprah's shadow, after all those celebrities who only talked to you because you were Oprah's "relative," and losing all those real friends that you lost because you felt they no longer ran in "your circle," don't think you're going to get any substantial cash out of it. First of all, the half-sister, Bunny, is supposedly a grandmother, so presumably older than Oprah. With all those fancy doctors that Oprah buys, this old gal is living to at least 110. But regardless, leaving her Big Sis all her billions would not Oprah's style at all! Because she will need to think of a

Vitamin C and Pomegranate in the Fight Against Heart Disease

Heart disease claims the lives of nearly 900,000 Americans each year, caused largely by a diet of processed junk food, excess calories, obesity and smoking. Many people are under the false impression that heart disease is inevitable and once diagnosed can only be controlled by a low fat diet and a cocktail of prescription drugs.This belief has been fostered by a medical profession that makes large profits by perpetuating patients in a never ending cycle of disease progression. Nature has provided powerful tools that can effectively prevent and treat heart disease by correcting the root cause of the affliction.Inflammation Initiates Heart DiseaseSystemic inflammation is one of the primary metabolic processes underlying heart disease as it causes instability in the delicate inner endothelial lining of the coronary arteries. Chronic inflammation causes elevated blood levels of C-reactive protein and studies have shown that the protein is an important marker for heart disease risk.The flames of inflammation are fanned by a processed diet high in hydrogenated fats and refined carbohydrates. This in turn generates excess triglycerides and oxidized LDL cholesterol in the blood and promotes fat storage in the adipocytes around the abdomen. Metabolically active fat cells secrete chemical messengers known as cytokines, C-reactive protein and the hormone cortisol. This is a protective action evolved by our body to handle short term damage and stress that becomes destructive when levels are chronically elevated.Vitamin C Lowers Inflammation MarkersVitamin C is an essential nutrient known to prevent scurvy. Evolutionary scientists know that in our distant past, we were able to synthesize the vitamin internally but lost the capability likely due to plentiful supply from our diet. The importance of vitamin C to our health was highlighted by the work of Nobel Prize winning researcher Linus Pauling who showed the nutrient could be combined with the amino acids lysine and proline to create a powerful agent capable of removing arterial plaque.The results of a study conducted by the University of California Berkeley and published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine demonstrate the power of vitamin C to lower inflammation by moderating levels of C-reactive protein. Study participants supplemented with 1000 mg a day of vitamin C and were able to reduce C-reactive protein levels by 34%. Vitamin C provides a significant reduction in C-reactive protein levels that translate to lowered risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack.Pomegranate Improves Blood Flow to the HeartBlood flow to the heart becomes slowly constricted over time as our arteries stiffen and become thicker due to increased blood pressure and metabolic imbalance from high blood sugar and insulin resistance. Arterial hardening is recognized as a significant cause of heart disease as the muscles that line the endothelial wall constrict meaning the heart has to pump harder to force blood to all parts of the body. Eventually hardened arteries lead to heart failure and death.Pomegranate has been shown to reverse the signs of arterial stiffening as it relaxes the endothelial muscles that control blood flow to the heart. The results of a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition shows that after 3 months of supplementation with pomegranate extract, arterial wall thickness decreased by 35% and dangerous LDL cholesterol oxidation was reduced by 90%.Nature has provided us with powerful nutrients which we can use to prevent the ravages of heart disease. Combined with proper diet and physical activity, vitamin C and pomegranate can help us to live long and productive lives. Sharron Streetman Clinton Karlin Amie Henze Odessa Calles

Masturbation Not Affect Penis Size

Masturbation Not Affect Penis Size - Normal or not penis size always been an alarming young men. There was also little affected by the myth that masturbation can make the size of Mr. P aka penis larger.

Masturbation as one of actual sexual behavior has nothing to do with raising the size of the penis. Masturbation will not cause sterility. Nevertheless, sexual urges that arise in their teens should be controlled so that masturbation does not become a habit.

Until now there is no scientific evidence that supports the penis enlargement ways, either as pills, creams, injections, or surgery. Indeed, most men expect the size of "combat tool" they can be changed despite the fact that their partner has never complained about the size of its short length.

Dr. Hernando Chaves, an expert in clinical sexology from Beverly Hills, California, said that penis size is not the answer to a woman's sexual satisfaction. "It is important to raise the size of the penis, which must be satisfactory to learn techniques and stimulation points of the body of the couple. Besides course also enhance emotional closeness and communication techniques," he explained.

He said the man who is always worried about the size of its combat equipment would be more likely to experience erectile barriers. "Love yourself, bear in yourself that you are sexy and exciting. Be positive and always confident," he said.

Kathrine Jarret Mallory Forst Edwina Langone Milagros Beauvai Althea Basnett

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

3 Tips on preventing dry skin

Dr. Reginald Henry of Sentara Dermatology has this advice about keeping your skin moist during the winter. Henry recently participated in a web chat on the topic of healthy skin.

Long, Hot Showers & Baths are culprits in drying out skin.
Prolonged exposure to water -- especially hot water -- can wash away the natural oils that protect your skin. If you get out of the bath or shower and your skin feels tight, it's dried out.
1. WASH LESS: Try to limit showers to a few minutes, skip the hot water, and unless you are really dirty, there is no need to shower every day.
2. MOISTURIZE: You might want to apply a BATH oil to your skin while it is still wet. Afterward, pat your body dry with a towel -- rather than vigorously rubbing it -- and put on a moisturizer right away. This is called the SOAK and GREASE method. It traps water in the skin.
3. WASH HANDS LESS: This idea is also applied to dry hands. Minimize the handwashing, and moisturize afterwards, to prevent the dry cracking.

For all your health information, go to HealthKey at; to read the full transcript of the chat, click on the tab, Live Archived Web Chats.Kurt Hesson Katy Mings Christian Hinnenkamp Max Chitty

Proton therapy: Find out how it works

Dr. Vahagn Nazaryan from the Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute will talk about proton radiotherapy and ongoing technological developments in the field for this month's Science Caf鮊
It happens Monday, Jan. 31, at 5:30 p.m. at Marker 20 in Hampton. It's free and open to the public.

The Science Café “eries is by the Science Directorate at NASA?s Langley Research Center, the Tidewater Chapter of Sigma Xi and the Hampton Roads Section of the American Chemical Society.

About Proton Therapy:
Proton beam radiation therapy was first introduced for human treatment in 1954. Since then, about 55,000 patients have been treated around the world. The U.S. has eight full-scale operating proton facilities, and a new generation of centers are in the development stage.

Read more:
Hampton University Proton therapy center treats its first pediatric patient
Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute treats first patient

Find more health news at

Ronald Cosman, pictured in the treatment room of the Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute, was the first patient to undergo treatment at there.Christian Hinnenkamp Max Chitty Sharron Streetman Clinton Karlin

Report: Unions Are Big Advantage for Asian American/Pacific Islander Workers

The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee ? review

This magnificent study of cancer suggests that, for all medicine's advances, we cannot beat a disease that is a distorted version of ourselvesThree quarters of the way through his "biography" of cancer, the New York-based oncologist Siddhartha Mukherjee pauses to set the scene in his laboratory, a beehive of esoteric activity and impenetrable jargon. In lesser hands, such a passage would leave non-specialist readers bewildered and bored. But then he describes himself in the simplest of scientific poses, looking into a microscope. And what he gazes at is one of the more sinister mysteries of human ? or anti-human ? life. The leukaemia cells he is examining came from a woman who has been dead for 30 years. Unlike their discarded host, these cells are "immortal".In this small but typical moment, Mukherjee manages to convey not only a forensically precise picture of what he sees, but a shiver, too, of what he feels. "The cells look bloated and grotesque, with a dilated nucleus and a thin rim of cytoplasm, the sign of a cell whose very soul has been co-opted to divide and to keep dividing with pathological, monomaniacal purpose."The yoking of scientific expertise to narrative talent is rare enough, but the literary echoes of The Emperor of All Maladies suggest a desire to go further even than fine, accessible explanation. "Normal cells are identically normal; malignant cells become unhappily malignant in unique ways."It takes some nerve to echo the first line of Anna Karenina and infer that the story of a disease is capable of bearing a Tolstoyan treatment. But that is, breathtakingly, what Mukherjee pulls off. He calls this great and beautiful book a biography, rather than a history, because he wants his reader to understand his subject not just as a disease, a scientific problem or a social condition, but as a character ? an antagonist with a story to tell through its eerie relationships to the wider biological and animal world that is also, inexorably, our story.Though it has many historical antecedents, the epic medical quest to understand and treat cancer only really took shape as it emerged as a defining disease of modernity. This is the case not just in the metaphorical sense that it speaks potently to our industrialised terrors, but in the direct sense that cancer only became a leading cause of death in the world when we began to live long enough to get it.People in the past tended to die of other diseases ? as they still do in poorer countries today. Cancer now ranks just below heart disease as a cause of death in the US, but in low-income countries with shorter life expectancies, it doesn't even make the top 10. At the beginning of the 20th century, life expectancy at birth in America was 47.3 years. Now, the median age at diagnosis for breast cancer is 61; for prostate cancer, 67. As we extend our lives, Mukherjee writes, "we inevitably unleash malignant growth".Thus the scene is set for a monumental scientific, political and human struggle. Mukherjee assembles a teeming cast of characters: from ancients such as Atossa, the Persian queen who in 500BC self-prescribed the first recorded mastectomy, to Mukherjee's own patients. There are tales of grizzly surgical techniques and astonishing medical discoveries. But, as with any epic narrative, the central drama marches towards a war.The full-blown campaign against cancer began with the meeting in the 1940s of an American socialite, Mary Lasker, in search of a great medical cause, and the driven cancer researcher, Sidney Farber, one of the creators of chemotherapy. Mukherjee describes it as the coming together of two travellers, "each carrying one half of a map". The battlefield at the middle of the map was Washington DC and the political alliance that Lasker and Farber eventually formed was with Richard Nixon. The passing in 1971 of the National Cancer Act enshrined the idea of cancer as sovereign among diseases and bequeathed it the language of a world war.But as Mukherjee's narrative unearths his central character, and our understanding of cancer accumulates depth and complexity, the notion of a war becomes ever more threadbare. Its combatants had been configuring the enemy they needed to fight the war they wanted. Yet the story of science, Mukherjee observes, is not just one of discovery, but of the discovery of failure. The practitioners of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy had proceeded to treat cancer without understanding its fundamental mechanisms.Crusaders for a magic bullet, including Farber, were scornful of calls to wait on the development of genetic research, or to emphasise prevention, or to appreciate the need for care as much as "cure". To many who had worked on the front lines, relentlessly pushing patients to the brink of death to save them, such calls seemed academic. And then the academics called time out.In 1986, in The New England Journal of Medicine, John Bailar and Elaine Smith published a cold assessment of comparative trends in cancer mortality over the years. This revealed what they called a "qualified failure". Between 1962 and 1985, though duration of survival had improved in certain areas, the war on cancer had not only failed to show overall progress, but deaths from cancer had actually increased by 8.7%. Even accounting for the postwar boom in smoking-related lung cancer, Mukherjee writes, this "shook the world of oncology by its roots".It is from here, as he reaches for the final act in his historical drama, that it becomes clear that Mukherjee is doing more than providing an account of medical developments, scientific discovery and human suffering. The underlying structural dynamic of his book turns out to be the riddle of progress itself, the application of reason and science to chaos and disease ? the uber-project of modernity that, even if it has achieved too much to be called a failure, can never finally succeed.As he turns inwards, to questions of the basic biology of the cancer cell, Mukherjee modifies his assessment of the war on cancer, from qualified failure to qualified success. There may have been no movement of the front lines of death, but if the aims could change, from utopian notions of eradicating death to more modest ambitions for the extension of life, then the result for medical science is a "dynamic" equilibrium rather than a "static" one.He returns to the cell itself, as genetic knowledge began to offer results that could be applied clinically ? the search for causes finally coming together with the search for cures. By the end of the 1990s, the development of Gleevec as a genetics-based drug treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia had, as one researcher put it, proved a principle: "It demonstrates that highly specific, non-toxic therapy is possible."The cellular composition of cancer is Mukherjee's own field, but he is under no illusions that the new era will leave history behind, or that gene-based therapies will lead us out of the cancer age. Harold Varmus, accepting his Nobel prize for the cellular origin of retroviral oncogenes in 1989, turned to Beowulf: "We have only seen our monster more clearly and described his scales and fangs in new ways ? ways that reveal a cancer cell to be, like Grendel, a distorted version of our normal selves."The idea that cancer cells are copies of who we are is, Mukherjee emphasises, not a metaphor. "We can rid ourselves of cancer," he concludes, "only as much as we can rid ourselves of the processes in our physiology that depend on growth ? ageing, regeneration, healing, reproduction."And so his intensely vivid and precise descriptions of biological processes accumulate into a character, fully developed and eerily familiar. The notion of "popular science" doesn't come close to describing this achievement. It is literature.Health, mind and bodyCancerScience and natureHealthAlex © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More FeedsEmilia Uresti Cody Weatherbee Hillary Jedlicka Marcie Boroughs Louisa Croghan

Monday, January 24, 2011

Curcumin Prevents Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer?s Disease and Obesity

Curcumin is one of a small number of super nutrients which has the demonstrated ability to dramatically lower the risk from cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer`s disease while influencing the storage of body fat by altering lipid metabolism. Curcumin is a natural polyphenol which is extracted from curry powder and has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. You can experience a multitude of health benefits by eating the spice in its natural form or by supplementing with a concentrated extract of active curcuminoids.Curcumin in the Fight against CancerCurcumin has been shown to be a powerful tool in the fight against cancer as it helps to restore immune system function which begins to weaken in many people as a result of decades of poor diet and environmental factors. Curcumin works to bolster immune function by restoring the function of key immune cells known as CD4 and CD8 T cells. According to a study published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry, curcumin increases the production of proteins which are needed for immune cell proliferation while reducing the development of proteins which destroy immune cells.Curcumin Prevents Clogged Arteries While Lowering Heart Attack RiskCurcumin influences the formation of dangerous coronary artery plaque by lowering levels of systemic inflammation which are known to cause the foamy substance to become unstable and rupture leading to a heart attack. This super nutrient regulates the action of our genes to inhibit the release of chemical messengers through the body in response to stress, poor diet and our environment. The result of a study released in The Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine indicates that curcumin prevents platelet coagulation which can result in a life threatening blood clot.Curcumin Shown to Prevent Alzheimer?s DiseaseResearchers have noted that the incidence of Alzheimer`s disease among the elderly Indian population where curry is regularly eaten with most meals is significantly lower than their western counterparts. Curcumin exhibits strong antioxidant properties and is known to cross the crucial blood-brain barrier where it acts to limit the accumulation of damaging plaque and also reduces the neuronal response to existing plaque tangles. By inhibiting amyloid plaque formation at the synapse where electrical impulses connect different parts of the brain, memory is preserved and symptoms of this devastating disease are minimized or eliminated.Curcumin Assists Weight Management GoalsCurcumin helps to prevent obesity and assists natural weight loss due to its ability to inhibit the formation of new blood vessels which are required to form new baby fat cells. This polyphenol also influences how the body regulates triglycerides (blood fats) which are then stored as body fat or burned as a source of energy. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition details how curcumin prevents excessive accumulation of triglycerides in the blood and shifts our metabolism away from fat storage. The study authors conclude that curcumin ?may have a potential benefit in preventing obesity.?Very few natural nutrients exhibit such a wide array of health benefits as curcumin. Extensive research confirms the powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which provide protection against many of today`s most devastating illnesses. Whether you choose to add curry to your diet or supplement with a concentrated form of this amazing spice, you can be assured of lowered disease risk and improved quality of life.Katy Mings Christian Hinnenkamp Max Chitty Sharron Streetman

Global Unions Push for Economic Stimulus

Airport Security Mistakes Prosthetic Breast for a Bomb

Prostate Healthy with Broccoli - Prostate Cancer

Prostate Healthy with Broccoli - Preliminary research on the efficacy of broccoli, cauliflower, and similar to prostate cancer treatment will be directed to the manufacture of vegetable drugs that can be used.
"It's early works are interesting, but far from anything that happens in a test tube to know exactly what happens in humans," said Dr. Durado Brooks, director of prostate and colorectal cancers at the American Cancer Society.

More fruits and vegetables, less risk of prostate cancer
The incidence of prostate cancer has increased in the last 10-20 years in Asian countries. A number of treatments available, but side effects generally include incontinence (urine output unconscious) and impotence.

"The rate of prostate cancer is lower in countries whose inhabitants eat lots of fruits and vegetables, although the link between diet and certain diseases is not clear," said Brooks, as quoted by Health24.

Researchers from the University of California at Berkeley decided to investigate the fight against cancer on chemicals in vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and bean sprouts.

Jamie Aoki Edwina Esqueda Erik Durazo Dollie Orme Julio Winnie

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Swine flu data in the UK: see how bad cases are where you live

Give the Gift of Football

Balanced Nutrition, Prevent Diabetes Complications

Balanced Nutrition - Diabetes is a chronic disease that spend a lot of cost. The increase in blood sugar levels are uncontrolled and persistent can cause damage to small blood vessels and large blood vessels that lead to vision problems to heart disease and stroke.

Environmental factors related to lifestyle such as lack of exercise and excessive nutrient intake and obesity are factors that can be repaired.

There is no doubt that nutrition is an important factor for the occurrence of 'diabetic type-2'. Lifestyle westernized and relaxed living and long life expectancy are factors that increase the prevalence of diabetes.

Here are some suggestions of balanced nutrition which is related to the prevention of diabetes, among others:

Eat a variety of foods
None of the types of foods that contain all the nutrients that can make a person healthy and productive life. Therefore, everyone including people with diabetes need to eat a variety of foods.

Eat to meet energy sufficiency
In order to carry out everyday activities, such as working, studying, exercising and other activities, everyone needs to eat enough food energy, not lack and not excessive. Adequacy of energy characterized by normal weight. Therefore, to achieve and maintain normal weight.

Eat carbohydrate source
Most of the energy needs (choose complex carbohydrates and fiber, limit simple carbohydrates are refined. There are three groups of complex carbohydrates, simple, and fiber.

Marylou Craney Tania Alvord Kathrine Jarret Mallory Forst Edwina Langone

Urine Color Yellow Like Tea

Urine Color Yellow Like Tea - The color of normal urine is bright yellow, the color is caused by the substance called bilirubin, if dark yellow urine, such as water tea, have suspected there was interference with the metabolism of bilirubin. This condition is called jaundice is a state in which the levels of bilirubin in the blood rises above normal levels.

This condition is characterized by a yellowing of skin color, white eye (sclera) yellow, and brown urine earlier. Can also like the tea-colored urine while drinking lots of water, this situation usually occurs due to excessive carotene consumed substances (most of these substances contained in tomatoes and carrots), the skin can also be yellowing but to distinguish it with jaundice can see the whites of her eyes (sclera ), because the whites of her eyes remain white. The yellow color can also be due to somewhat older taking vitamin B complex, but rather bright yellow and younger than the jaundice.

Increased levels of bilirubin can be caused by increased production (in cases where the solution of red blood cells or erytrocite excessive), the presence of liver dysfunction, and impaired bilirubin expenditure. The cause of most of the liver function disorders such as hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, fatty liver, liver cancer, and other disorders. Another cause is a blockage in the bile duct (either by stone or tumor), so that the bilirubin can not go out and lead to increased levels of bilirubin.

Hepatitis is the most common cause jaundice. Hepatitis itself is a state of inflammation of the liver that can be caused by many things. For example, viral infection, drug intoxication, and alcohol. This inflammation makes the liver function decreases, and one result is jaundice.

Symptoms of hepatitis include:

Nausea, vomiting, weakness, lethargy, and sometimes there is fever, decreased appetite, pain in the pit of the stomach right above, also of symptoms that have been mentioned above was the color of urine, such as tea, yellowish skin and whites of the eyes.

But in certain circumstances is not accompanied by jaundice or hepatitis symptoms earlier, this is more dangerous because it is difficult to know the symptoms.

To ensure that can be sent bilirubin levels, liver function tests (SGOT/SGPT), and in certain circumstances required an ultrasound examination. Treatment of hepatitis intended to restore impaired heart function. So patients should maintain body condition for not too tired, eat regular, adequate rest for the immune system strong enough to prevent infection by the virus. Some drugs commonly used are Hepasil, Curcuma, Mobile Pro, Methicol, Lesichol, etc..

Emilia Uresti Cody Weatherbee Hillary Jedlicka Marcie Boroughs Louisa Croghan

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chocolate Effectively Lowers Risk from High Blood Pressure

(Article first published as Chocolate Protects Against High Blood Pressure and Heart Disase on Technorati.)High blood pressure is a significant concern as it significantly raises the incidence of vascular disease and stroke. As a result of stress, poor diet and lifestyle, enzymes in our body produce a substance known as angiotensin II that causes blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to increase. Standard medical practice is to prescribe ACE inhibitors to inhibit the action of these enzymes, often with mixed results and always dangerous side effects. Researchers have now confirmed that natural flavanols found in cacao from chocolate can lower blood pressure as effectively as the Big Pharma solutions.Natural Flavanols from Cacao Effectively Regulate Blood PressureResearchers have known for some time that the active catechins and procyanidines in many fruits, vegetables and green tea promote health and protect against disease through a variety of biochemical mechanisms. The results of a study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology explains how flavanols from cacao and dark chocolate inhibit the action of angiotensin to influence the body?s fluid balance and effectively regulate blood pressure.  Study Demonstrates Blood Pressure Lowering Effect of ChocolateThe study involved ten men and six women aged 20 to 45 who were fed 75 grams of unsweetened chocolate with a cacao content of 72%. Blood samples were taken before and again after eating the sample chocolate to analyze the activity of the ACE enzyme. Researchers were amazed to find that the enzyme activity was reduced by 18%, effectively lowering dangerous blood pressure as well or even better than many pharmaceuticals.The lead author concluded, ?Our findings indicate that changes in lifestyle with the help of foods that contain large concentrations of catechins and procyaninides prevent cardiovascular diseases.? It`s important to note that the results were produced using unsweetened cacao as found in many specialty dark chocolates. The same benefits would not be conferred with commonly available sweetened milk chocolate and semi-sweet varieties.Flavanols From Chocolate Increases Nitric Oxide, Relaxes Blood VesselsInformation reported in the journal BMC Medicine combines the results of 15 independent studies on the vessel dilating effects of flavanols from chocolate. Researchers found that moderate consumption of chocolate with a high percentage of cacao showed significant blood pressure reduction in people with high blood pressure, and no effect on individuals with normal pressure readings. Flavanols increase the natural formation of endothelial nitric oxide that exhibits a relaxing effect on blood vessel walls and lowered blood pressure.Cacao from chocolate is shown to be yet another example of how a natural compound can promote health and prevent disease. Flavanols and catechins are chemical compounds found in unprocessed foods that are essential to human health. When consumed or supplemented as part of a whole food diet they demonstrate reduced risk of disease without the damaging side effects commonly seen with pharmaceuticals.Lance Politte Marylou Craney Tania Alvord Kathrine Jarret Mallory Forst

Cora Berger: When Breast Obsession Turns Deadly

Food Visualization Can Aid Weight Loss Efforts

(Article first published as Mind Imagery May Lead to Weight Loss Success on Technorati.)It?s important not to discount the power that our mind has over our conscious efforts to lose weight, as well as our subconscious desire to control the foods we eat. Our brain exerts a powerful influence over our actions and research indicates that thinking about eating a favorite food can actually help us to consume less of that food and save the calories as a bonus.We are truly creatures of habit, and tend to eat the same foods in similar quantities on a regular basis. For most people this means we over consume calories without much conscious thought, and are unable to lose weight despite our short lived efforts at dieting. Sooner or later we slide back into the same dietary model and caloric consumption, slowly gaining extra pounds as our metabolism slows with age. It may be possible to harness the power of conscious thought toward a slimmer waistline.Using Your Brain to Lose WeightA common assumption is that thinking about our favorite food increases our craving for it and ultimately leads to consumption. The results of a study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University and published in the journal Science shows that when we imagine eating a food, our appetite for that food actually decreases. This study demonstrated that mind imagery has a much greater influence over our desire to eat than our physiological cue to eat.Study participants were asked to imagine eating a large handful of M&M candy entirely in their mind, while a control group was asked to think about a different task, such as inserting quarters into a laundry machine. Both groups were then allowed to eat freely from a large bowl of M&M?s. The group members that envisioned eating the candy ate significantly less than the control subjects who had been asked to think about a non-food task.Study Demonstrates Importance Beyond Weight LossThe results of this research indicate that we may be able to control our desire for our favorite unhealthy food choices by mind imaging. It may be possible to change our habitual nature and lower the desire to eat foods in excess that perpetuate our weight. The study authors believe that there may also be implications for other habitual acts and conclude ?we think these findings will help develop future interventions to reduce cravings for things such as unhealthy food, drugs and cigarettes, and hope they will help us learn how to help people make healthier food choices."Using Mind Imaging to Avoid Unhealthy FoodYou can use mind imaging to help avoid foods that you know will contribute to weight gain. Start by choosing one food item that you know you will be eating either at your next meal or commonly as a between meal snack. Create a vivid mental image of the food item. Next picture yourself consuming a large portion and imagine the taste sensation you normally experience as you enjoy every last morsel. Repeat this imagery in your mind several times. You should find a decreased desire to eat that food, or possibly you will be able to pass on the item entirely in the future.Harnessing the power of the mind when trying to lose weight may be a great benefit to those who have tried other methods and failed. Mental imagery can be a powerful tool that can break the cycle of food habituation. Include food visualization as part of your total program to achieve successful weight loss.Max Chitty Sharron Streetman Clinton Karlin Amie Henze

Figures show 254 flu-related deaths in UK since September

Health Protection Agency says rates of flu in Britain appear to be declining despite increase in number of deathsA total of 254 people with flu have died in the UK since September, the government said today, with the figure up on the 112 cases reported last week.Of 214 cases where information was available, 195 deaths were associated with the H1N1 infection.The Health Protection Agency said that, despite the jump in deaths, rates of flu in the UK appeared to be declining, with GP visits and flu-related calls to NHS Direct decreasing.The recording of deaths lags a week or two behind the period of peak flu activity.The figures show that a total of 418 patients with suspected flu are being treated in critical care, down from 661 last week.Of these, 20 are under five, six are aged between five and 15, 344 are aged 16-64 and 48 are over 65.Of the 210 cases where information was available on age, seven deaths were of children under five, 11 of patients aged between five and 14, 137 aged 15-64 and 55 aged 65 or over.The latest figures come after the government's director of immunisation suggested GPs could be forced to hand over control of ordering flu vaccine.Professor David Salisbury said he believed there was a "pretty compelling" case for the government to take charge.His comments came a day after the government published draft legislation which would see 80% of the NHS budget pass to GPs with control of commissioning services.The government has been forced to release stocks of last winter's swine flu vaccine to bolster this year's supplies of the seasonal flu jab.While ministers have insisted there should be enough across England, they have acknowledged a "mismatch", with some regions having too much vaccine and others suffering a shortage.Patients wanting to be vaccinated reported being turned away from GP surgeries, while some doctors said they had run out.But GPs ? who order the vaccine based on estimates from previous years ? remain adamant that they have not © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds Sharron Streetman Clinton Karlin Amie Henze Odessa Calles

Friday, January 21, 2011

Children Eating Pattern Following Parental

Children Eating Pattern - Many parents are giddy with her eating habits like picking out food (picky eating). However, you need to be careful if you think your child a picky eater, because your perspective can affect nutritional intake.

If a mother already branded her as a picky eater, usually the child will rarely eat fruit and vegetables. "Perceptions of parents that their children prefer picky food can make parents do not offer their children healthy food," said Mildred Horodynski, researchers from Michigan State University's College of Nuring.
One way to encourage children to eat healthier, according to Horodynski, is changing the eating behavior of parents. That is, if the father-mother used to eat healthy foods, children will usually follow.

"What children eat a diet reflects his mother, and unfortunately most women are also rarely eat vegetables or fruit," he said.

In order for children to love healthy foods, the mother or the father should not only serve, but also to eat together. "When you try something food, children will be interested to try it too," he said.

He suggested, if the child refused to taste the vegetables are served, parents should not immediately branded her vegetable hater. "Research shows that children need to try 15 times before going to eat a type of food," he explained.

The key for children like fruit and vegetables were introduced as early as possible, ie at 7-8 months of age when children begin to recognize solid food. "At age 24 months children already know what she likes. If the mother does not give vegetable, he would not like it," he explained. KOMPAS.COM

Christian Hinnenkamp Max Chitty Sharron Streetman Clinton Karlin

Ryan?s Budget Plan: Millionaire Gain, Middle-Class Pain

Airport Security Mistakes Prosthetic Breast for a Bomb

Trumka Speech to Unveil Working Family Vision for Economy

Thursday, January 20, 2011

5 Ways Sex Is Good for Your Heart

'Biggest Loser' Recap: Just One Big, Cheesy '80s Movie

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - World Health

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Definition - One of nine types of muscular dystrophy, a group of genetic, degenerative diseases primarily affecting voluntary muscles.

Progression - DMD eventually affects all voluntary muscles, and the heart and breathing muscles.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an inherited disorder that involves rapidly worsening muscle weakness.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a rapidly-worsening form of muscular dystrophy. Other muscular dystrophies (including Becker's muscular dystrophy) get worse much more slowly.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by a defective gene for dystrophin (a protein in the muscles). Duchenne muscular dystrophy occurs in approximately 1 out of every 3,600 male infants.

Muscle weakness
Rapidly worsening weakness
Progressive difficulty walking
Abnormal heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)
Loss of muscle mass (wasting)
Muscle contractures in the heels, legs

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Jamie Aoki Edwina Esqueda Erik Durazo Dollie Orme Julio Winnie

Want Success Diet, Start at age 28!

Success Diet - The success in weight loss is influenced by many factors. Research shows, the age factor could be influencing the success of the diet, particularly among women.

The survey, conducted Lambrini Light beverage company in the UK states, female dieters who succeed are those who started the slimming program at the age of 28 years.
Women in age 20s believed to be able to quickly erode the fat from her body, because they have more time and a strong willingness to woman in other age. Women in their age:20s, are also relatively more concerned about weight and stay focused on the goal to reduce the number of scales.

Meanwhile, women who started in the 30s, are often too busy and had no time considering her weight. While at the age of 40 and 50's, the women have lost the passion to create beautiful body.

Research was also noted, the women who perform two types of diet or health habits last year, to pocket an average of Rp 1.9 million for the program slimming and fitness club. However, nearly three-quarters admit one diet in which they live ended without result.

"Therefore, women marry more late, most of them are aged 28 are still single, still dating and became active in social life. This is what explains why they become so successful in maintaining health and body shape," said Sue Beck of Lambrini Light.

Sharron Streetman Clinton Karlin Amie Henze Odessa Calles

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Black men opening up to combat mental health stigma

Do not Mix Energy Drinks and Alcohol

Do not Mix Energy Drinks and Alcohol - You are a fan of energy drinks? Do not mix energy drinks with high caffeine alcohol, because the mixture of the two is dangerous and makes people more drunk.

In a survey conducted on 800 students who just left the bar at 22:00 and 03:00, the researchers asked whether they consume alcohol and energy drinks. The concentration of the smell of alcohol the respondents were also measured.

Approximately 6.5 percent of respondents who admitted drinking alcohol mixed with energy drinks are three times more drunk than those who only drank alcoholic beverages only.

Mixing energy drinks with alcohol young children do in America. This they do because caffeine can reduce the drowsiness caused by alcohol. This condition is often termed as "drunk but conscious."

Bruce Goldberger, Director of Toxicology at the University of Florida College of Medicine, said many people mistake the stimulant effects of caffeine will eliminate the depressant effect of alcohol. "That is a false perception. The result is dangerous because it makes people more drunk," he said.

Javier Hugar Lonnie Rowsey Louisa Maltos Emilia Uresti Cody Weatherbee

'Biggest Loser' Recap: Just One Big, Cheesy '80s Movie

On alcohol pricing, the coalition should learn from Scotland's experience | Joan McAlpine

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My New Year's Resolution: Embrace the California Lifestyle

High Caffeine Drinks Disturb Intelligence

High Caffeine Drinks Disturb Intelligence - In moderation, caffeine can indeed increase the concentration, making us more alert and able to run through difficult challenges. However, these benefits continue to decrease along with the large number of caffeine consumption.

Energy drinks, which typically contain high concentrations of caffeine, the drink excessively will make the body become sleepy as the effects of alcoholic beverages.
In one study, students who were given low doses of caffeinated drinks (equivalent to half a can of energy drink), has a high response on test results that require rapid response on a computer screen.

But when the dose of caffeine-enhanced, they would respond slowly. The participants in the study also said that mentally feel over-stimulation and sleepy after drinking.

"Not a few energy drinks that also contain alcohol. Therefore, if consumed in excessive amounts can adversely effect cognitive function and reduced vigilance," said Cecile A. Marczinski, researchers from Northern Kentucky University.

Research conducted on 80 students aged 18-40 years. To determine the effects of caffeine, the participants were given energy drinks and the rest were given non-caffeine drinks.

Excessive consumption of these drinks can also cause heart was beating very fast due to the caffeine intake exceeds the recommended amount.

Allan Kriss Clinton Vanostrand Lance Politte Marylou Craney Tania Alvord

Menstrual Pain in a long time

Menstrual Pain in a long time - For every woman who is growing up will definitely experience menstruation which is characterized by discharge of blood due entirely mucous membrane of the uterus, this is a natural process that is always repeated by the cycle. Menstruation is often followed by symptoms of lower abdominal pain, sore waist, aching throughout the body, lethargy, nausea, sometimes vomiting. Usually these symptoms appear on the first or second day of menstruation. These symptoms often interfere although this naturally occurs in every woman.

There are things that need to be observed when there are additional other symptoms that could indicate a particular disease or disorder. Usually additional other symptoms to watch is when your period was long and accompanied by bleeding a lot. If any of these symptoms will usually be accompanied by an unusual pain.

Normal menstruation is between 10-12 days, when menstruation is longer than usually called Hypermenorrhea, contrary menstrual bit (just a drop-drop) and the time was less than normal is called hypomenorrhea, this condition is often associated with fertility, because there may be infertile (can not have kids), then the amount of blood that came out normal day between 15-50 cc. If blood comes out beyond usual, will be felt by the woman, especially when up to 80 cc or more.

Severe pain during menstruation or called dysmenorrhea is pain felt in the lower abdomen at the time before, during and after menstruation. Many times a woman experiencing these symptoms at the time of menstruation and making should rest for a few hours or even can not work.

Is dysmenorrhea normal?

Actually dysmenorrhea is still reasonable if infrequent or only occasionally, so it is important to note here is the intensity.
To relieve it can usually be overcome by taking an analgesic (pain reliever).

To note or to watch out for is if the dysmenorrhea was also accompanied by blood came out very much, and going beyond the normal time and place repeatedly. There may be abnormalities in the organ abortion.

Abnormalities of the content of these organs can vary due to chronic infection, endometriosis, myoma, cervical polyp, erosion, sarcomas, or can no malignancy in the cervix (cervical ca.) For women who use family planning type of injection, usually will experience irregular menstruation as well, blood can come out a lot and can exceed the normal time, even a month continuous period, is caused by unstable hormone injections before the influence of family planning. So when experiencing abnormal symptoms as described above should be checked by a gynecologist.

Javier Hugar Lonnie Rowsey Louisa Maltos Emilia Uresti Cody Weatherbee

Competition is good for the NHS | James Gubb

Monday, January 17, 2011

My New Year's Resolution: Embrace the California Lifestyle

How 17 Day Diet Works

17 Day Diet - The 17 Day Diet, featured on Dr. Phil and The Doctors TV show, is here just in time for the holidays and your 2011 New Years resolution to lose weight.

How the 17 Day Diet Works

According to Dr. Moreno, this diet plan works by confusing your metabolism. It does this through four cycles of altering the amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you eat every few days. Each cycle has a different goal. The four cycles are:

1. Accelerate ? This cycle promotes fat burning, cleansing, and quick weight loss without storing fat.
2. Activate ? This cycle resets your metabolism.
3. Achieve ? This cycle teaches you good eating habits and shows you how to eat carbs the right way.
4. Arrive ? This cycle combines the first three cycles.

Although it does promote quick weight loss at first it?s based on lean proteins, vegetables, fruit and eventually whole grains.
Achieve: ?Good? carbohydrates are introduced into the body
Arrive: A lifestyle eating plan that combines the first 3 Cycles
You get 2 servings a day of a probiotic choice: Either 6 oz of Sugar-free yogurt, 1 Cup of Kefir, 1/2 Cup Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese or 1 Cup of Low-fat Acidophilus Milk. No other dairy except fat free cheese, fat free sour cream as condiments and in moderation. Vegetables are limited to ?Cleansing Vegetables?: Artichoke and Artichoke Hearts, Asparagus, Bell Peppers (all colors), Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Garlic, Green Beans, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce (all varieties), Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Scallions, Spinach, Tomatoes, Watercress.

Readmore here:

Avis Sanderfur Guy Arrellano Kurt Hesson Katy Mings Christian Hinnenkamp

New Zodiac Sign Dates: Global Personality Disorder Epidemic Underway!

Post by Cynthia DermodyJust yesterday I was a sensitive, nurturing, emotionally driven person who loved to cook and take care of others. Today I find out that because of the new zodiac sign dates, I'm not any of these things, not at all.
Yesterday I learned that this coming Sunday, the phone was going to ring before I could even get out of bed. I do not know if it was going to be good news or bad news -- my Cancer horoscope didn't tell me that exactly -- but that I was going to have to "reevaluate my thinking come Monday," something related to my "higher-ups" at work. So I was guessing that maybe one of my kids was going to get a fever and I'd have to call in sick again.
My "take things personally" nature also puts me on track to experience tummy troubles on or about Tuesday, oh my, so the stars are advising me to eat smaller, more frequent meals. It's amazing what astrologers know, isn't it?Today, I learned that the gravitational pull of the planets has been whacking out the alignment of the stars over the millennia -- the same alignment that tells us what our sign is, describes our personality traits, and foresees what mates we are attracted to and will be compatible with. And with this, totally shattering my idea of who I've been my whole life because of my June 22 birthday's astrological sign: Cancer.
Under the revised signs, Cancer moves to July 20 to August 10, so as of today I'm officially a Gemini.
So instead of being the sensitive nurturer and all those other things that describe me with eerie accuracy that I cannot explain, I'm this totally new person that scares the living hell out of me.
The one bit of good news is no sign of tummy troubles this week. And I won't be getting that phone call on Sunday. Which works out because on Wednesday, I'll have this sudden urge to seek out a party. Wow! Just the other day, I was a quiet homebody who shunned excess social interaction and craved lots of quiet alone time to recover from the harsh realities of the world. Now, I'm a talkative, social, intellectual party monster who actually goes out ... on a work night! That's going to be interesting since I'm usually asleep by 9:30. And I don't drink.
On Thursday, I will "seek powerful experiences in order to derive a deeper meaning from life." That kinda hurts my brain. I'd rather watch a cooking show and try to find the very shallow meaning of life in a good brownie recipe. On Thursday I'm usually trying to catch up on chores (my Cancer horoscope even says that!), but my new stars are now telling me that this night is an excellent time for beginning a course of study or for getting work accomplished that must be done. Maybe that's referring to the piles laundry, or I'm going to decide to change careers and become an accountant. The thought of going back to school sounds horrifying. I can't even manage to get my son to finish his second-grade subtraction charts, now I have to fit in going back to college and algebra!
This is not acceptable. I am so not qualified to be a Gemini. I'm going to write a letter to the folks at the Minnesota Planetarium Society, who've recently said that the current zodiac signs are all wrong, and ask them to double check this. Maybe the telescope just had a bug on it and they were wrong. At the very least, beg for mercy and please reconsider such a life-altering change for everyone.
My husband, whose birthday is a day after mine and was also on the "cusp," also became a Gemini today. Oh yes, I checked our new "compatibility" predictions. I won't even begin to describe what this change means to our relationship.
Dead birds and fish. And I have to replace my cherished "Cancer" coffee mug. Maybe it truly is the end of the world.
Is your horoscope changing because of the new zodiac signs? Click to see if your sign has changed.
Tania Alvord Kathrine Jarret Mallory Forst Edwina Langone Milagros Beauvai

Chocolate Effectively Lowers Risk from High Blood Pressure

(Article first published as Chocolate Protects Against High Blood Pressure and Heart Disase on Technorati.)High blood pressure is a significant concern as it significantly raises the incidence of vascular disease and stroke. As a result of stress, poor diet and lifestyle, enzymes in our body produce a substance known as angiotensin II that causes blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to increase. Standard medical practice is to prescribe ACE inhibitors to inhibit the action of these enzymes, often with mixed results and always dangerous side effects. Researchers have now confirmed that natural flavanols found in cacao from chocolate can lower blood pressure as effectively as the Big Pharma solutions.Natural Flavanols from Cacao Effectively Regulate Blood PressureResearchers have known for some time that the active catechins and procyanidines in many fruits, vegetables and green tea promote health and protect against disease through a variety of biochemical mechanisms. The results of a study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology explains how flavanols from cacao and dark chocolate inhibit the action of angiotensin to influence the body?s fluid balance and effectively regulate blood pressure.  Study Demonstrates Blood Pressure Lowering Effect of ChocolateThe study involved ten men and six women aged 20 to 45 who were fed 75 grams of unsweetened chocolate with a cacao content of 72%. Blood samples were taken before and again after eating the sample chocolate to analyze the activity of the ACE enzyme. Researchers were amazed to find that the enzyme activity was reduced by 18%, effectively lowering dangerous blood pressure as well or even better than many pharmaceuticals.The lead author concluded, ?Our findings indicate that changes in lifestyle with the help of foods that contain large concentrations of catechins and procyaninides prevent cardiovascular diseases.? It`s important to note that the results were produced using unsweetened cacao as found in many specialty dark chocolates. The same benefits would not be conferred with commonly available sweetened milk chocolate and semi-sweet varieties.Flavanols From Chocolate Increases Nitric Oxide, Relaxes Blood VesselsInformation reported in the journal BMC Medicine combines the results of 15 independent studies on the vessel dilating effects of flavanols from chocolate. Researchers found that moderate consumption of chocolate with a high percentage of cacao showed significant blood pressure reduction in people with high blood pressure, and no effect on individuals with normal pressure readings. Flavanols increase the natural formation of endothelial nitric oxide that exhibits a relaxing effect on blood vessel walls and lowered blood pressure.Cacao from chocolate is shown to be yet another example of how a natural compound can promote health and prevent disease. Flavanols and catechins are chemical compounds found in unprocessed foods that are essential to human health. When consumed or supplemented as part of a whole food diet they demonstrate reduced risk of disease without the damaging side effects commonly seen with pharmaceuticals.Odessa Calles Jamie Aoki Edwina Esqueda Erik Durazo Dollie Orme

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Vote Now to Press China on Currency Manipulation

Celeb Weight Loss Secrets Will Ruin Your Resolutions

How to Lower Risk of Heart Disease by 85%

(Article first published as Top Tips to Lower Risk of Heart Disease by 85% on Technorati.)Nearly 1,000,000 Americans will succumb to heart disease this year, with millions more living a reduced quality of life in fear of death from a heart attack. Heart disease is largely a lifestyle condition that is the result of years and decades of poor diet and lifestyle habits that deteriorate the delicate vascular system. The end result is a decline in physical function as atherosclerosis weakens the ability of the heart to pump efficiently.Study Identifies Top Strategies to Prevent Heart DiseaseResearchers from Scotland identified five critical lifestyle factors that contribute to the development and progression of heart disease. The result of their study was published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine and shows that those individuals with just one poor lifestyle habit were 85% more likely to die from a heart attack over a 20 year follow up period. Those with 4 poor habits were 349% more likely to die during the same period. The study authors identified the following modifiable factors as being most important to prevent heart disease.1. Avoid Tobacco and Smoking: Smoking is widely considered to be the most important lifestyle event to prevent heart disease (as well as many other chronic illnesses). Smoke from cigarettes, cigars and pipes contains more than 300 chemicals that are known to promote arterial hardening that leads to high blood pressure and dramatically increased risk of heart attack.2. Increase Physical Activity and Exercise: Researchers recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise each day of the week. This does not have to be heart-pounding aerobic conditioning, but should be enough to raise the heart rate slightly. Exercise sessions can be broken into 10 minute cycles, 3 times a day to accommodate busy schedules.3. Achieve Your Ideal Body Weight: Carrying extra weight, especially around the abdomen is a significant risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. Studies demonstrate that losing as little as 5 to 10% of your body weight can lower blood pressure, protect your arteries and lower blood sugar.4. Eat a Well Balanced, Reduced Calorie Diet: Next to smoking, healthy diet is the next most important factor that will impact your risk for heart disease. Eliminate all sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed convenience foods. Fresh vegetables and greens should make up the core of your meal. Compliment with small quantities of lean meats, nuts, seeds and monounsaturated fat sources.5. Drink Alcohol in Moderation: Avoid alcohol, or severely limit the number of daily drinks. Men should have no more than 1 or 2 drinks per day, while women should limit their intake to one. While some research has shown a small protective effect for alcohol consumption, if you don?t drink, don?t start.Information from this study underscores the importance of making modifications for the prevention of heart disease. Extensive research provides undeniable proof that heart disease can be prevented, treated and reversed by making small changes to diet and lifestyle. Following all five of the suggestions outlined in this report will lower the risk of developing heart disease three-fold and dramatically improve your quality of life.Roslyn Niblock Clayton Brose Allan Kriss Clinton Vanostrand Lance Politte

S.F. Mime Troupe Talks Union?Really?and Sings and Dances, Too

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Get a free flu shot Thursday

The Hampton Health Department will provide flu vaccine for free Thursday, Jan. 13, from 3:30 to 6;30 p.m. at Hampton High School.

Both injectable shot and nasal spray vaccine will be available. The nasal mist variety is for ages 2 to 49. The clinic is open to everyone, including people who live outside of Hampton.

Free flu vaccine also is available at the Immunization Clinic, Peninsula Health Center, 416 J Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News, Mondays through Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. No appointment is necessary.

Influenza vaccine is recommended for everyone over the age of 6 months.

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Julio Winnie Guy Vicks Javier Hugar Lonnie Rowsey Louisa Maltos

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Advanced Therapy Against Baldness

Advanced Therapy Against Baldness - The threat of baldness in men is greater than with women. Reduced hair piece by piece, which ends with baldness, certainly disturbing. Though now there has been no solution to overcome baldness, at least, there are some therapies being developed by experts.
Here are some therapies that can provide hope for men in the future:

1. Hair Cloning
Therapy is to double the amount of wear hair healthy hair follicles, and the results disseminated in the head which is usually faster bald or already bald. In this way the new hair may appear thicker and healthier.

Hair multiplication method is still in test phase and continue to be developed. However, a company in the UK, Intercytex, which develops cell therapies for baldness, last year announced that the 'second phase' of the test has been successfully implanted. They predict this method can be used widely within the next five years.

2. Genetic Tests
About two of three men go bald as they enter their 60s. Still, a few men whose hair has begun to decrease since youth. According to experts, this is because basically everyone already has a certain genetic pattern. In the case of baldness, there are gene variants that have been identified will lead to baldness. Therefore, experts assess preventive measures can be done earlier if the identification of these genes has been performed.

deCODE Genetics, genetic research-based company, currently has developed a method of gene introduction. Through this method will each person can find out if he was bald or not inherited the gene. If proven there is a risk of baldness, preventive measures can be done immediately.

3. Natural regeneration
In a study of cell regeneration in rats, by accident by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania found that hair follicles can participate regenerate. This opens an opportunity for scientists to create a type of artificial proteins to stimulate hair follicle growth.

Unfortunately the process of research to be done is still very long before we can really get the hair that grows naturally in the skin of a bald head.

Marcie Boroughs Louisa Croghan Ted Bruning Roslyn Niblock Clayton Brose

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Slim Tips Natural Way - Natural Diet

Diet that you do will only make your weight go up and down only. While still in the early years, let's achieve ideal body weight in a healthy and natural.

As quoted from beautyhill, see the tips quick way to look slim in a natural way:
Eat regularly
A unique body will decrease metabolism when hungry. This is not good for weight loss process. Avoid applying regular daily diet, at least three times a day. Do not also skip breakfast to give you enough power when on the move all day.

Diet, Now Way!
Diet is going to lose your weight, but that's only for a while only. If the diet is not done anymore, the weight will return to normal. The important thing is to select a 'balanced diet with high nutritional value' as needed, for calories eaten can be utilized in an optimal body.

Read the nutritional value
Watch what you eat. That's why you need to provide a moment to read the nutritional content and the number of calories in food packaging. Adjust your caloric needs in a day with the help of notes listed on the packaging.

Consumption of fiber in protein
Fiber we eat from the fruit and vegetables will help lower cholesterol and facilitate the emptying of the digestive tract. Not only that, the fibers can also speed up the feeling of satiety so naturally reduce the amount of food that is not useful.

Drink enough
Some nutritionists say that drinking enough then you will be spared from excessive food. So the advice to drink 6-8 glasses a day should not be ignored.

Tania Alvord Kathrine Jarret Mallory Forst Edwina Langone Milagros Beauvai

Carb Restriction is the Key to Permanent Weight Loss and Health

(Article first published as Cut Carbs, Not Fat to Lose Weight and Live Longer on Technorati.)We?re having trouble changing our mindset about the best type of diet to promote health and weight loss. For decades we have been told that fat is bad and whole grain carbohydrates are good. Food manufacturers cleverly cut all the fat from many of their offerings and pumped up sugar and carbs to compensate. We merrily went along eating massive quantities of `healthy` low fat foods with the thought that we would avoid fat, get skinny and avoid the number one killer, heart disease.Unfortunately just the opposite has happened. American obesity rates are at epidemic proportions and heart disease still unnecessarily claims the lives of millions each year. Fortunately it?s not too late to make changes that can save your life and help you to lose weight permanently.Fat is Not the ProblemCurrent dietary advice from the USDA food pyramid promotes the idea that the bulk of our daily calories should come from carbohydrates. Fat is to be used sparingly and there is no differentiation between different fat sources. Information provided by medical researchers and published in the Los Angeles Times explains that we have been misled over the years and that fat is actually a vital component to cellular structure. Carbohydrates and sugars are the real culprit that influence how body fat is stored and can wreak havoc with normal metabolic activity.Dr. Walter Willett, chairman of the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health explains "If Americans could eliminate sugary beverages, potatoes, white bread, pasta, white rice and sugary snacks, we would wipe out almost all the problems we have with weight and diabetes and other metabolic diseases." Refined and processed carbs have become the core of our diet. Eventually, carb overload leads to insulin resistance, diabetes and heart disease and has a major impact on our ability to lose weight.Carb Warfare: The Battle of the BulgeOver time, our body becomes tired from processing large amounts of carbohydrates. The pancreas exhausts its natural ability to secrete insulin and counter the massive amount of sugar that is continually dumped into the bloodstream. The body preferentially burns carbohydrates for energy, and stores the remaining calories as fat. When given the opportunity, our body prefers to burn fat, but there must be an absence of carbs for this to happen.The typical American diet provides a never ending flow of carbs and corresponding blood sugar spikes. We like to snack regularly between meals, so there is rarely an absence of carbohydrates. Our body is never able to tap into our fat stores because we continually provide a ready source of energy in the form of high carb consumption. The only way to trigger fat metabolism is to drastically limit our carb intake.Cut the Carbs for Weight Loss Success and HealthHumans have not evolved with the ability to consume and metabolize huge quantities of carbohydrates. The typical American diet is 60% carbohydrate and the direct cause of the obesity calamity, as well as a significant trigger for many inflammatory diseases.Drop carb intake to no more than 20% of calories and substitute healthy monounsaturated uncooked fats and protein sources with each meal. Fats and proteins are more difficult for the body to break down and slow the release of glucose from carbohydrates. Try drastically lowering your carb intake for 2 weeks and you?ll be on the road to successful weight loss and improved health.Althea Basnett Tyrone Lor Benita Villafane Tameka Eckles Avis Sanderfur

Andrew Lansley accused of secrecy over NHS plan

? Risks to health system of shakeup were assessed? Rejection of FoI request disgraceful, says LabourLabour has accused Andrew Lansley of "disgraceful secrecy" for refusing to reveal what risks his officials believe the NHS shakeup poses to the health system.The Department of Health has admitted it has identified things that could go wrong as a direct result of its radical restructuring of the NHS in England. But it has rejected Labour's request for details to be released under the Freedom of Information Act, arguing that such disclosure would impede ministers.Experts have warned that the reorganisation could hit the quality of care, lead to financial problems and make local NHS organisations less accountable. Many major NHS and medical organisations identified a large number of risks, in both the changes themselves and the period before they take effect in April 2013, when they responded to the recent government consultation on the controversial plans.John Healey, the shadow health secretary, began pursuing details of what risk assessment the health department or its advisers had undertaken to identify potential hazards caused by the biggest changes to the NHS since its creation in 1948.The health minister Earl Howe, replying on the health secretary's behalf, has confirmed that the health department has undertaken such an exercise, but refused to disclose the outcome.He told Healey the department had decided to reject Healey's request under a section of the FoI Act which exempts a public authority from releasing information which might "inhibit the free and frank provision of advice or the free and frank exchanges of views for the purposes of deliberation".Howe continued: "Whilst conscious that there will be public interest in the contents of the department's risk register and assessments being made freely available, the public interest in preserving the ability of officials to engage in discussions of policy options and risks without apprehension that suggested courses of action may be held up to public or media scrutiny before they have been fully developed or evaluated has been taken into account."I have also considered the need for myself, my ministerial colleagues and our officials to have sufficient space in which to develop thinking and explore policy options. This disclosure may deter candid discussion in the future, which may lead to poorer quality advice and poorer decision-making ? "Healey said: "This is disgraceful secrecy from a government claiming to be committed to greater transparency, and a health secretary whose plans for the NHS will affect the lives of everyone in England."The NHS Confederation, which represents 95% of NHS employers, such as hospitals, recently warned Lansley that his plans involved "significant risks".HealthNHSHealth policyFreedom of informationAndrew LansleyLabourDenis © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More FeedsDollie Orme Julio Winnie Guy Vicks Javier Hugar Lonnie Rowsey